The average women uses 6000-7000 sanitary pads in her entire lifetime exposing her to various levels of damages like.
Every 15 minutes two women dies in India due to cervical cancer while every 4 minutes a new cervical cancer is diagnosed, now various studies proved that the "Stain Proof, Leak Proof" sanitary napkin is a Bane-not a blessing!, which contains Dioxin which is a recognized carcinogen that could cause cervical and Ovarian cancer entire.
Safe Solution : Menstrual cups made of 100% Medical Grade Silicone are easy to use, keep rashes & infections at bay and can be used upto 12 hours at one go.
1,13,000 tons of menstrual waste created by around 12.3 billion sanitary napkins fills India's land every year, one sanitary pad takes approx 500years to decompose as it is not bio de gradable.
Sustainable Solution: Re usable menstrual cups are more durable, can be used up to 7years and create very low impact on the environment compared to pads and tampons.
A women spends more than Rs. 40,000 on an average in her life on menstrual period products.
Economical Solution : Total cost of a reusable menstrual cup amounts to Rs. 300 for a period of 7 years
Leevacup Small (S) 15ml | For female with light to normal flow, low cervix height, for teenagers or before child birth. |
Leevacup Medium (M) 25ml | For female with light to normal flow, low to medium cervix, have not given birth or given birth through C-sec. |
Leevacup Large (L) 30ml | For female with normal to heavy flow, medium to long cervix, have given birth vaginally. |